Moment Couleur is a Parisian chain of hair salons specialising in dyes.
The main objective of the website was to generate trafic into Moment Couleur's physical salons, as haircare can only be a physical service. With their previous identity and website, Moment Couleur was struggling with conversion and needed a change in their branding and web structures.
  • Re-branding & Visual Identity
  • UX recommendations and prototype on Adobe Xd
  • In-house development from existing Webflow project
Made in collaboration with Twenty-Eight

From existing identity and structure, we defined new web guidelines to prioritise conversion.

We split the header navigation in two to differentiate services and products from editorial content. A fixed CTA at the bottom of the page both in desktop and in mobile invites the user to book an appointment at any given moment.

We removed and rewrote redundant information and added cross-selling sections for both navigation and performance.

We modified colors for a softer, friendlier branding (previously an aggressively bright yellow mixed with various other chaotic colors). The pastel cobalt is similar to that of hair bleach, and the brush strokes, an element the client wanted to keep from their previous identity, reminds of the hair stylist’s artistic gesture.

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We paired a timeless typeface in all-caps bold to catch the eye, with a modern, neat, and slightly rounded one for readability and friendliness.
Trade Gothic LT Condensed Bold
DM Sans Regular

For the development, we took over the website’s Webflow project, sorting existing classes and creating new ones, editing components and animations to launch the new version in a tight deadline.

In the e-shop, interactive animations on product hover bring the products closer to the user (visually), creating a physical sensation to the shopping experience.

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