As part of the Cleantech for Europe umbrella, Cleantech for Iberia aims to "orchestrate the cleantech innovators, investors and policymakers of the Iberian ecosystem”.
Cleantech for Iberia needed to both stay coherent with its parent company and have its own, distinctive identity. The client specifically expressed a desire to keep the colors and warmth associated with Iberia. The main challenge for this project was in timing and communication, as the client themselves were still working on content and data as the design process was moving forward, and both their website and Executive Summary were to be published in under three weeks.
  • Visual Identity
  • Web & UX/UI Design on Adobe Xd
  • In-house development on Webflow
Made in collaboration with Twenty-Eight

To achieve a warm yet technological website, we gave interactions and animations an important role. This also allowed us to start developing the website (once design with placeholder content was pre-approved) and prepare animations in advance, so that the content could easily be replaced without drastically affecting design.

We used touches of Iberia’s colors on a light background to punctuate information and guide the eye throughout the website, adding clarity and rhythm in the reading.

This minimalist and polished visual identity gave room to more prominent animations, creating a balance between refinement and technological expertise, thus also adding credibility to the new initiative.

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We used a single grotesk font in Light weight for both titles and paragraphs to create an uncluttered look.

Smooth animations on titles and parallax scrolling elements make the reading dynamic and stimulating.

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